merits on a ROTARY PRESS
@A ROTARY PRESS achieves five outstanding features:
@1) sleeeve placket top creasing@2) pocket creasing
@ 3) waistband creasing@4) fusing fuse-interlinings.
E Creasing perfectiy sleeve placket top
@The very initial ROTARY type for sleeve placket top
@creasing in the trade.
E Capacity and performance
@Specially designed under a motto-"high effectiveness".
@Seven times productivitymore than that of a flat iron.
@2,500 pieces of pocket per 8 hours.
E Economical engineering
@Electric capacity reduced to half compared with the con-
@ventional roller press.@a
suitable for just.using on a
@side line.
E New mechanism incorporated
@Belt slip-proof.@Drum itself works@pressure.
E Operation
@Easy operation for even beginners and fine finish ensured.
E Applied operation
@Using creasing molds it's best suitable for waistband
@creasing, shirt front creasing, and fusing interlinings.
E Minisize machine, but a most universal work
@ guaranteed.
@Five outstanding performances made on a ROTARY
@PRESS YMP-1300,YMP-1500: 1) pocket ceasing
@2) sleeve placket top creasing@3) waistband creasing
@4) fuse-interlining fusing and
@5) fusing every king of interlinings.
E Pressed in one operation
@Every corner of a pocket pressed perfectly in one opera-
E Covering all sizes and thicknesses
@Creasing molds can meet any sizes and thicknesses. |
E Big capacity
@High productivity---seven times more than that of a flat
@iron. 2,500 pieces of@pocket per 8 hours.